The highlight of the week was the text we got Friday morning from the Hydes announcing Stetson's arrival. There was much celebration and rejoicing in the Hart house. Congratulations to mom and dad Hyde and welcome to the family little Stetson! We want to call him Dee. What do you think?
It has been snowing ALL day. I hope Alex can come and go from Rexburg safely!
Our stake presidency was released today at Stake Conference and a new one sustained. It was a truly glorious meeting. The visiting authorities shared wonderful messages that seemed especially pertinent for me. And the choir would have totally lived up to Dad's expectations. So lovely!
Ian didn't have to work much this week and it was really nice to have him around more than usual! He spent a lot of time working on his math and is cruising along through it. It is fun for Alex and I to have to brush up on our skills or relearn them altogether.
Jack was especially pleased to be able to spend time with just the older brothers this week. They spent time with friends downtown having adventures. He went to a game night with friends and came back with tales of how one of the girls there "wrecked" him at a slingshot game, much to his chagrin. Jack ate pizza three days in a row, which is pretty much his dream life.
Peter spent time with friends ice skating, trading Pokemon cards, and playing at the local ARTitorium. He is also experimenting with selling some of his Pokemon cards online. It blows my mind what people are willing to pay for cards of cartoon characters!
Alex is deep in problem solving mode with his Spikeball tournament coming up in February. It is quite amazing to see him in action. His mind is so adept at looking at things from different angles, encouraging people, and finding truly out-of-the-box solutions to the obstacles that he encounters.
I spent the week finalizing my seed orders which is such a fun thing for me to do. I really tried to approach it realistically and practically but then I realized that I really needed more honeyberry plants in my life and needed to sample some particularly gorgeous looking beans, and there was the cabbage, and then the tomatoes and watermelon.....and then the DAHLIAS! Oh my soul! And just like that the battle was lost. Alas!
I was really blessed to have a dear friend reach out and ask if I wanted to go get drinks one afternoon and then another friend come into town and organize a get together with a group of women that I adore. It was delightful to catch up with them and spend time with women who make me laugh so hard and also inspire and strengthen me.
The class series that the Community Garden Association offers to the community started this week. We had an overflowing attendance for the first meeting. It was great to see that many people excited to get out in their gardens. I will be presenting in two weeks and am kind of nervous.
Ian had a rough week when the venue for his play fell through without time to find a replacement and with conflicting schedules from the actors that were taking a toll on the quality of rehearsals and the overall performance. After some long conversations with his production team and Alex and me, they decided to cancel the performances and shoot for doing the show in a summer workshop format in August. There were lots of tears and lots of talking (all the words, oh my!) and it left us all pretty exhausted. But it has been a valuable learning experience.
Life goes on at the Hart house and it is a blessed one!
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