Greetings from the north! We are experiencing a lovely cold front which hides behind a deceptively sunny day. It makes me so grateful for a cozy house and a garage!
I tried a new thing yesterday and did some winter sowing. It is where you plant seeds in milk jugs and stick them outside to fend for themselves. I planted poppies and stocks. We'll see what happens! Apparently there quite a number of things you can plant this way and it was fun to pull out all of my planting accoutrements! Jack helped cut up the jugs and when I brought the potting soil out he took a big sniff and pronounced that he loves that stuff. Insert emoji with heart eyes.
It was a pretty normal week for us. Peter has found a couple of book series that he loves and has been devouring those and then demanding trips to the library to restock. It is fun to see him so invested in books! He is getting really good at his flips and other acrobatic stunts. I can't figure out how he makes his body move like that.
Jack and Peter and Alex have all been practicing Spikeball a lot to get ready for Nationals which is right around the corner! Jack is also busy with soccer practice, gearing up for the St. George tournament in February. He is a lot of fun to be around and is always making us laugh. He was a huge help to Alex after the last snow storm. The snow shoveling was a monumental task and Jack and Peter lent their muscle to the job and came of conquerors.
Ian would have helped as well but he was busy shoveling snow at his workplace. He spent a lot of time working this week and still managed to see friends, go to voice lessons, and start back up with his acting class. He also attended the homeschool prom last weekend with friends and had a glorious time! He was asked to the Sweetheart Ball this coming weekend so we have had fun sourcing his outfit and getting a corsage - the whole nine yards.
We all attended the play put on by a local homeschool co-op. The kids had friends who performed in it and it was very funny and very well done.
I taught a 2 hour class on garden planning this past week for the Idaho Fall Community Garden Association. It caused me much stress but went off without a hitch. There were about 60 people in attendance and we had a really great time. Alex came as tech support and the boys were there as well to offer moral support, which I really appreciated.
Here's a story for you:
Last weekend we drove up to Driggs to see the snow sculpture contest they host there annually. The sculptures were amazing and we had so much fun looking at them. On the way back we drove past this place that had an ice skating rink and Peter wanted to get a closer look so Alex drove over there. He spotted a lane at the back of the rink that looked like it led out of this resort type place the ice skating rink was in. It didn't take us long to realize that the lane was actually a groomed cross country ski track that when we drove out onto promptly sank up to the axles of our van. We tried for a good 45 minutes to get out by tamping down the snow, sticking pine boughs under the tires, and relying on the sheer muscle power of Jack and Alex. All to no avail. So Alex called all three local towing companies, but since it was a weekend and after hours there was no answer. We decided to say a prayer. Right in the middle of it, Alex's phone rang. It was Tyler from one of the towing places. He came right over and rescued us. It was such a relief! We were so grateful for him being such a prompt answer to our prayer!
Sure love everyone! Hope you are cozy and happy wherever you are!
The only pictures that are showing up on my computer right now are from Ian's phone so there are a preponderance of Ian's face and activities.
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