Sunday, February 21, 2021

Manning Moments

 Well it has been a while since I wrote. But you all know the biggest news in our family is boy #3 coming in July! We are excited! 

We watched a great primary broadcast yesterday that was delightful. You all should watch just a few minutes so you can see the adorable hosts that they have. It was so well done as the church always does. We also got to watch Grace give a talk in church and she was remarkable. Very mature.

We are just trying to be creative around here while we wait for warmer weather. But I know that I can't really say that when we have family in Idaho Falls! Wesley is learning how to read really well and Chet is learning letters and numbers. Chet also has a a deep love interest in construction vehicles. He sleeps with his excavator and doesn't go anywhere without it. Luckily there has been construction work going on around our block so we can walk around and see all the excitement. Yesterday we had a very dramatic moment when Chet asked for the 50th time, "Can I ride an excavator?" I said, "We don't have one." "Can we buy one." "Well, you have to be a construction worker Chet." "Can I be a construction worker!!!" Sobs and tears. It is very serious stuff. So if any of you have an excavator or front loader hanging around you know where to send it!

Hope all is well with everyone! Can't wait to see you sometime!

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