Sunday, February 14, 2021

Hyde Hilarities

 The title, you ask? Yeah I actually don’t know. We just wanted something a little more spicy than Hyde Happenings or something... and we’re flipping hilarious so there you go.

Happy Valentines Day everyone! Cam and I went on a little vacation to Sandy this weekend. Super random, but we just wanted to get out of Logan for awhile. We just went and did some shopping and relaxed a little bit. For Valentines Day, Cam got me roses and we made pizza :) it was awesome. We got the game Rumikub and we’ve played it a total of 9 times this week. Out of the nine, I can say I’ve won two, but one didn’t count because Cam helped me out 😅 I’m a mess. Anyway.

Married life is great!!!! Grateful to finally have caught up to the rest of you and have a spouse ;) I think the honeymoon phase is going to last awhile ;) we have tons of fun playing lots of games, building stuff, watching movies, and praying for summer to come so we can do lots of fun outdoor stuff :) if you have any brilliant ideas for date night or things to do when there’s nothing to do, let us know!!

Lastly, thanks to everyone for making the wedding so special!! Like wow. Y’all are seriously the very best and we are so grateful. It was such a great day and were so glad everyone could come, even if it was freezing!! We are getting thank you cards written and sent out slowly... so don’t think we’ve forgotten you!! Love y’all!! 

Ooohhh wait I have an announcement. Have you ever hated hand washing your drinking glasses because they’re deep and just the worst ever??! Say no more. Use a toilet scrubber. Here’s the story behind that: cam and I went on a date this week to the dollar store. We each got $5 and we had to find things that reminded us of the other. I got stuff like a candle and peanut mnms and stuff.... and a toilet bowl scrubber, because Cam likes to clean right?? The only thing was I didn’t know it was a toilet bowl scrubber, I thought it was a water bottle cleaner. Anyway, fast forward. We wrapped the presents and stuff, and gave them to the other. Cam looked SO confused and just kinda chuckled when he opened it. I was so excited and told him he could clean his water bottle with it and he just about died because he knew it was a toilet bowl scrubber. It’s moments like these where I recognize how blonde I am. Shoutout to my spouse who just lives with it. Long story short - the toilet bowl scrubber is great for water bottles.

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