Sunday, March 7, 2021

Flake Fun

 The last couple of weeks have been windy and cold with an occasional beautiful day. 

The big project has been building a small hoop house to try and extend our growing season a bit.  As I am sure is true for most of you, the weather will be beautiful and pwefec for planting and then in late May or early June there will be a 1-2 day cold snap that kills or almost kills everything that we transplanted or that is just coming up. It is rudimentary but I think that it will do the trick.  

The kids are growing like weeds and both Robin and Rand are working on their vocabulary. Rand is talking really well although I'm the only one that understands most of the time.  There are some very distinct words/phrases though like, "all done" and "ice".   
Robin on the other hand gets her point across through acting out her thoughts and wishes! It is adorable, as you can imagine.
James is getting pretty vocal as well and loves to tell very animated and intense stories. 

That is all that I can think of to report right now.  We are excited to see you! 

This was after a particularly hard day. 

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