Sunday, February 14, 2021

Flake Fun

The word of the week at the Flake house is "teeth".  From what we can tell, Rand is working on 4, Robin got 1 molar and is working on a second and James just cut his first 2 bottom teeth.  

It was so fun to have Mom and Dad here for the past week!  They came down on Sunday and headed to St George on Friday for Jack's soccer game.  We spent the week playing, digging in the dirt, and watching the heavy machinery next door/field! 

We are getting new neighbors.  A family bought half of the field across from us and they have started the prep work for their new home.  We especially missed having Chet around while we watched the loader, backhoe and dump truck move dirt around.

Robin and Rand are still working on expanding their vocabulary and it is really fun to hear them chattering and making connections.  Their favorite book currently is "Each Peach, Pear, Plum". Rand calls it "plun pie". 

James is making great progress toward sitting on his own and he is quite the scooter.  He doesn't move much when he is doing tummy time but he sure can cover some ground when he is on his back!

Robin and Rand both learned how to go down the slide on their own at the park which was fun. 

With Dad and Mom's help we got quite a few seeds started in the greenhouse.  The twins love to take care of them and they faithfully water every day.  

Congrats to Jack on his soccer game!!

Well, we hope that all of you have a wonderful Valentine's day and a great week!!

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