Saturday, September 12, 2020

Flake Foursome

 Sorry that it has been a couple of weeks since we last posted.  The days seem to fly by recently.  

We did have a bit of a cold snap these last few days but nothing like Idaho and Utah!  We got down to 40 or so.  It did a little bit of damage to the garden but nothing too bad. 

As for the kids, they are so fun!! Robin is still working on getting her bottom tooth in so she still has a lopsided grin.  They are both learning to communicate in their own way.  Robin has now started saying (with attitude) "Mom. Mom. Mom." Then she'll point at something or show me something. It is adorable.  Rand's favorite new word is "snack" which he uses for meals, snacks and anything food related.  

Rand has become quite the climber.  The other day we found him on the kitchen table.  The joke is that he will either give me a heart attack or put me into labor.  

We have finished eating our garden watermelon which we will miss greatly.  Now our cantaloupe are ripening which is a treat.  Things seem to be winding down in the garden but we are still holding out hope for some good garden tomatoes.  

That is all that we have to report for the last couple of weeks.  No baby yet but we'll keep you in the loop. Hope that you all have a great week!!!

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