Sunday, September 27, 2020

Flake Foursome

 First off, a huge thank you to everyone for not pestering me about when Baby Flake will arrive. (Still hasn't happened) I didn't realize how taxing those types of questions can be!! 

It has been a fairly good week. We went to the park which was a lot of fun and we played outside and ran through the sprinklers...or at least dipped our toes in the sprinklers and splashed in the resulting mud puddles! 

The highlight of the week was finding a wagon in Show Low so now we can go on longer walks!! And there is room for growth!! It is actually a steel garden cart with pneumatic wheels and we love it.

Robin has kept Grandma laughing all week. She is perfecting certain facial expressions and is getting really good at "surprised", "concerned", and "resigned". 

Rand is really into running and piggy back rides. Daddy is his best friend and he spends every minute he can in Scott's arms or on his back or lap or shoulders. 

Hope that you all have a great week. 

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