Sunday, July 26, 2020

Nilsson News

It has been a roller coaster for us this past week as I know most of you are aware.  We are so grateful for the kind texts and calls you have given us.  Things are slowly getting better.
Mom and Dad came down last Saturday to visit and play and it was most delightful.  After taking us to get an ice cream, they headed home as did we.  As soon as we got home, I went to check on our little Coco and she was in full labor!  Things quickly started going down hill after realizing the foal wasn't in position.  Looooong story short, the vet finally arrived and had no luck pulling the foal so they suggested we take her into the clinic.  Garrett took her in and I stayed home and got the kids in bed.  After sedating Coco, they tried every kind of pulling device known to man and still no success (the foal was presenting upside down with its neck kinked to the side and it was a big foal besides).  It was either a c-section or euthanasia.  We opted for the surgery because Coco is really our very favorite and we call her our little teddy bear.  That ended up being an ordeal as well and as soon as the vet finished stitching her up, she stopped breathing.  It was so, so sad!  Our household was a mess for several days.  You become so attached to these little creatures and they leave a huge hole when they are gone.  After doing a lot of emailing and calling around to various donkey experts, we have determined that our jack is too big and it is causing a lot of these problems that we have had with our foals.  So, we are having him gelded and we are getting a new, adorable little spotted jack either this fall or spring.  And, his name is Popcorn.
During all of this we were happy and excited for Thomas and Victoria and their handsome little man.  Congratulations to the flake twins on getting so grownup!  We are enjoying the summer and harvesting from the garden.  Our watermelons should be coming on in about two-ish weeks.  Aside from mowing the lawn and pulling weeds, we refinished our kitchen table and beefed it up a bit and we tore down and rebuilt a fence.  I can't seem to get enough of projects!  Hard work is the medicine.
Hope you are all staying well and we hope to play with you sometime soon!

Garrett's sister Kate and her family, came from Arizona and stayed with us for about a week.  We had a great time hiking, playing at the lake, river running, visiting around the campfire and setting off some good fireworks.  Idaho really is such a great place to live!

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