Sunday, July 5, 2020

Flake Foursome

We hope that everyone enjoyed a wonderful 4th.  It was kind of weird to not have any community celebrations going on but we were able to get together with Scott's family for lunch and later on for some fireworks. The Town of Taylor did their fireworks show so that was fun to watch from a distance.  

We don't have a lot to report this week. The babies are learning more and more each day and they constantly surprise and amaze us.  

They both love to play the piano which is fun and they are tall enough to reach now!!

Our garden has finally decided to grow which is reassuring.  We had some sunflowers bloom this week which is always fun.  

A day or two ago we were all in the living room. I was engaged with Robin when Scott started laughing.  I looked up to see a grinning and diaper-less Rand toddle by!

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