Sunday, July 12, 2020

Flake Foursome

Hot. That is the best word to describe the last week in the Flake household.  But we survived and hopefully it will cool down a little this coming week.  

The kids went "swimming" for the first time yesterday which was fun.  Randy and Dona have a kiddie pool and the water didn't warm up all the way but they had a blast wading around.  Robin did slip and ended up sitting in the water which she didn't particularly care for.  

We ate peas from our garden last night which was fun. And we have zucchinis coming on. Other than that we are just happy that the garden is growing and hope that we have a good harvest.  

I'm quite happy that Robin's hair is finally getting long enough to pull into pigtails. They never stay in for long but hopefully we'll establish a good routine that will lead to happy times when it is time to get her hair done.  

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