Sunday, March 22, 2020

Smithfield Scoop

What a beautiful kitchen, Ruthie!! Well done! The pictures are lovely, but I can't wait to see it in person. And, it's one thing to see little Rand crawling and Rosie dancing away over Hangouts, but I sure hope to be able to see them in person before they are walking and running! "Social Distancing..." Never have liked it much, especially when it comes to family.

Does anyone else feel like their lives have changed so much in the past week that it leaves your head spinning? Like maybe 75-90% different? Like a 180 degree change? I'm still trying to wrap my mind around what just happened! We have been in touch with Kate in France and Becca in Arizona and our family in several other places. We are not dealing here with "Corona Parties" like they are having in France, or beach parties in Florida. Nor do I have to put a sign on my car that I'm a "medical practioner" on my way to a birth (yet), like Becca, who is now preparing for that. But, there have been several major changes in the way things are going around here. Like when we go check on our ministering families and they barely open the door to receive our treats. And when we have to keep a distance when running into some old friends at the store. I'm still trying to figure out how to palpate a baby in a mom's belly while standing 6 feet away... Thankfully, the last birth I attended happened before the latest restrictions and recommendations. However, there are several moms due right now and we are endeavoring to figure out how it's all going to work. Especially since my assistant is sick right now - not with Coronavirus, just a plain, old influenza.

The most sad thing that has happened since we last posted was when we cancelled our reservation for the lovely house in LaVerkin where we had scheduled our family gathering. Actually, it was a huge blessing that the owners were willing to give us a full refund on our initial payment and also gave us their phone number to privately make our next reservation when Corona has been dethroned. Hopefully, that will happen sooner than later.

Well, we are still walking. Outside. Rain or shine. We are still enjoying reading in the mornings and playing ping pong in the evenings. It's delightful to see things popping up in our grow boxes - flowers and garlic. Dad harvested the carrots we left in the ground over the winter, and they were delicious! We LOVE Hangouts and FaceTime and any and every way we can connect with all of you!

Weather on our walk yesterday....

Kind of chilly, but we walked fast and got home in time!

Darling little garlic plants popping up.

Darling, happy little crocus! Love it!

Until we can see you in person, stay well and know that we are praying for you and think of you all constantly! We will continue to bug you for "electronic, in-person" visits!

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