Sunday, March 29, 2020

Flake Foursome

Since COVID isn't really impacting us, I feel like things are getting better. There seems to be toilet paper on a regular basis at Walmart which is a good sign in my book.

Things are starting to warm up here. We still have an occasional cold day or night but the sun shines most days.  And the wind blows, so we don't go outside as much as we would like.

Rand has mastered crawling and seems intent on walking now. Robin is toying with the idea of crawling. I think that she secretly knows how but doesn't want to admit it!  She has started using a goofy grin when someone enters the room which makes everyone smile.

Other than that, things are pretty low key here. No statewide lockdowns. No travel bans. Just the 4 of us in our cozy house.

Hope that you all have a great week!

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