Sunday, March 1, 2020

Flake Foursome

Let's see, what happened this week?  It seems like it was a pretty typical week. The spring winds have arrived so we haven't gotten out much.  The kids are doing a little better with their sleep which is really nice. They are still quite thoughtful and coordinate naps so that I don't get lonely.

Rand is on the cusp of crawling and is quite frustrated that all his efforts seem to take him backward instead of forward.

Robin seems to be grasping the language idea and has linked "Nnnn" to nursing and seems to have a little "Muh" for Mom. At this point it is only understood by yours truly but I think it is adorable.

Well, we hope to see you all soon.  Wish we could have joined the clan for Grant's baptism but hope to hear good reports about the day.

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