Wow! What a couple of weeks! We were so absolutely thrilled and delighted to have Dad return home from Arizona on Monday (Feb. 10) with Jenn and two babies! Emma and I had been waiting and getting ready all day. They stopped to see Joe and Lori's family on their way and finally showed up here at 9 or so in the evening. We got to visit for a few minutes and help Jenn get the bottles and beds ready for the night. The fun began the next morning when everyone woke up and we got to play and talk with and hold and feed Rosie and Rand all day long. Jenn is amazing and happily devotes herself to their every need. They have no idea how exhausted their mom is and they just keep the demands coming constantly! But when they smile and respond, it is enough to melt your heart - so we just continue to devote every waking moment to them 😍
Things just went from better to best when family began arriving to see the celebrated visitors. Lauren and boys came Wednesday afternoon, then the Harts arrived Thursday at lunch time, and the Nilssons at dinner time that day. It was delightful to hear Jenn and Scott reveal their "news" to each family who came. So interesting to watch and listen to the responses.... "What??!!" "Are you telling the truth?" "That's amazing!" "Oh, my. That makes me tired for you!" The classic was Elise... "So, Scott (who was on the phone with Jenn), what are your plans for 2020?" "Well, we thought we'd have a baby." "That's a great idea! Wait. Is that an announcement?" Jenn nods and Elise shoots up out of her chair. "Really? Jenn! Wow! Really? I've got to call Alex!" Now Alex is on the phone with Elise, Jenn and Scott listening in. "So, Alex. Guess what Jenn and Scott are doing in 2020." "Having a baby?" "Ooooh, Alex. How come you know things like this?." "Just sounds like a good idea. So are they going to try for that?" "Alex, they are having a baby. Like in September." "They are?!"..... It was so classic! And such wonderful, miraculous news! It's hard to describe how very, very grateful we are for this sweet miracle. We may be spending the fall in Arizona!!
After three wonderful days together, the departing time was not as joyful. It seems that everyone who came to visit went home sick. Not just a few of them. Jenn had a stomach issue, which made it quite uncomfortable for her to travel home. Then the babies and Scott all had fevers and Jenn cared for them until she also succomed to the sickness. They are still dealing with a persistent cough. Elise, Lauren and her boys, Eliza, Henry and Dad all got some variation of the fever, sore throat, headache/body ache yucky gombu/wog. Dad was in bed for about 3 days and is still a bit draggy. Fortunately, bodies eventually overcome viruses and everyone is now feeling better. Some still have coughs, but most are doing much better. We hope this experience will not cause anyone to question whether or not to attend our April family gathering! By then we hope all terrible germs are eradicated and that we can look forward to a delightful, warm, happy, healthy time together.
Emma has decided to remain in the home ward and received a calling today. You can ask her about it. She is going to California next week for her spring break. Because her friends abandoned her at the last minute, she will be all alone there for three days (except for the 39.5 million people who live there!). Dad and Ian are going to her rescue and will drive 12+ hours to join her in San Diego - the day after Ian turns 14 year old!! They will all get to spend a few days together on the beach, at the temple, and doing other fun things. Emma will then fly home, and Dad and Ian will get to drive the 12+ hours back. What we won't do for our family! Emma got the baking itch yesterday and completed this masterpiece today... Grapefruit Poppyseed Cake. Quite delectable!
Well, dearest family, hope to see you again soon. It is the highlight of our day/week/month when we get to see you or talk with any of you! Have a lovely week!
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