Sunday, February 23, 2020

Hart Happenings

Greetings all!  It has been so long since we last wrote that I'm not even going to try to catch you all up.  Luckily Ruth and Mom covered a lot of our goings on, so I will just state briefly that we enjoyed SO MUCH having Joe's family come up for a weekend.  Lori is such a good sport as I dragged her to a yoga retreat that I had signed up for.  She got to meet a bunch of my favorite friends and was up for everything which made it really fun!  Also, seeing Jenn was really the best.  She is raising some adorable babies!  And the Flake's 2020 news blew my mind!  Happy day!  Having Lauren there was a surprise.  I totally wasn't expecting that but it is so fun to see her and the boys.

Returning home sick was NOT my favorite thing.  Luckily no one else was afflicted and the boys took really good care of me.  It just has taken a while to kick this virus but I think we're finally turning the corner.

We celebrated Alex's birthday this month. He is so much fun!  But he was feeling all thirty seven of his years that day.  All the aches and pains.  He asked the boys "are you sure I didn't turn 73 today?"  What a kidder.  Ian made him a 4 ft. long China Wall cake and Addy helped him with the frosting part while Ruth added the finishing details.  Quite the team effort!

The boys started a new aerial maneuvers class which sounds like something Dad would be all over, but this is just flips and twists to "enhance" their parkour experience.  Ian also got recruited to do a promo video for the boys' gym.  He got dressed up in a Cat in the Hat costume and snuck around the gym playing on all the equipment.  It was pretty entertaining.

Jack spoke in church for the first time today and did a bang up job.  He spoke on honesty and shared a newspaper article we found on Family Search about Thomas Belliston.  Pretty cool!

We got some new baby chicks this week and it is so fun watching them and seeing the boys go through the process of picking their names.  Peter is the best momma to those little birds.  He observes them for hours and takes such good care of them.

The snow fort behemoth has been amazing.  Thanks to everyone who has contributed to the building of this structure that will probably last through June in our front yard.  It was so much fun to make and brought hours of entertainment this winter.

Ian has also been making delicious things.  He found a book at the library that has a recipe from each of our United States.  This one was Blackberry Buckle from Montana. Delicious!

And last but not least, Jack's first trip to the temple.  I think I posted about that already but here is the proof!

Happy February everyone!  Looking forward to seeing some of you at Grant's baptism this weekend!
And congrats to Thomas and Victoria.  That news totally made my month!

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