Sunday, January 26, 2020

Flake Foursome

The week started off really well with the holiday so Scott was able to be home.  That is always a fun treat.  It also ended on a high note when we spent all day yesterday in Globe at Uncle Dee's wedding.  He is Randy's oldest brother whose wife died last year. She dealt with MS for 30+ years. Anyway, he married an adorable lady named Jane and we attended the wedding. It was fun to see him so happy and see their children so happy.

The weather has started to warm up and we have been on 3 walks this week!

The big news of the week is that Rand cut 2 teeth on Thursday. He is a little miserable with a sore mouth but he is a tough kid. I don't think Robin will be too far behind in getting a few teeth herself.

Scott has found a plot of land that he likes and has designed a house to put on it.  It is good to see him have a project again.

I hope that you all have a terrific week! Oh! One last thing, I was reading 1 Nephi 8 (I'm a little behind in Come Follow Me) and came to verse 31 and it hit me that the great and spacious building takes work too. I think that I always just felt like if you aren't working at holding fast to the rod that you just end up in the building.  But I think that just gets you lost in the clouds of darkness and wandering in strange paths. It takes effort to get to the building. Just wanted to share that interesting thought.

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