Sunday, November 10, 2019

Hart Happenings

Happy Sabbath everyone!
  We had a wonderful Primary Program today.  The children did an excellent job and sang their hearts out.  There was an enormous congregation and it was just a great experience all around.  Primary is the best!
  Jack and Peter decided that soccer isn't the only sport on the planet and are now playing on basketball teams.  So fun!  But Jack is still playing indoor soccer.  Their last game was so much fun to watch!  They won handily.
  We are enjoying a heat wave here in Idaho which makes for nice working in the yard weather.  We've been hovering around 50 degrees as a high.  Yippee!
  The whole fam took a quick trip down to Brigham City on Friday night to see Alex' niece in her school's version of Newsies.  They did great and Ian especially loved it!
  Ian was hired over the weekend by a man in our ward to rake the leaves off and pick up the sticks on his 10 acre property.  There was a crew of boys over there and Ian got to drive a four wheeler so it sounded like it was a good time.
  Ruth had sick kids so we cancelled our field trip plans and just had Emerson over for a fun afternoon playing with Jack and Peter while Ian watched The Sound of Music.  Mom, he LOVED it.  So there, Thomas.  That was the day that Alex took a road trip with his Dad and brother to Casper, Wyoming to see if they could get the building they own there on the market to sell.
  Ian is gearing up for his Matilda performances which start this Friday.  It's going too be great!  We are excited to see all his hard work pay off.
  Life is trucking along!  Hope all is well with you guys.  If you're looking for another really thought-provoking podcast, check out the Maxwell Institute podcast.  There's a really wide variety of material on there and some deep religious discussion.  I've really liked it so far.
  Take care!

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