Monday, November 18, 2019

Flake Fun

This week was a good one. We were able to see the incredible process that babies go through to learn something new.  A few days ago Rand started doing some different motions with this tongue. It was like he was trying to lick his upper lip. He did it a lot.  On Saturday he started spitting! And he's pretty good at it! It was fascinating.
Robin has started working on rolling over. They both are getting more patient with tummy time.  They hit the 4 month mark on Saturday which is crazy!

The interviews for my replacement are scheduled for Wednesday so I learned last week that my boss is expecting me to work through December...4 weeks longer than I was planning on.  We'll see how that goes.

Wish that we could be there for the play but we know that Ian will be the star!  Can't wait to see you all in a week or so!

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