Monday, March 18, 2019

Nilsson News

So prepare yourselves, I'm going to let this post speak for itself in pictures for the most part.  The Spartan was a blast and I highly recommend it for anyone up for a muddy, dirty invigorating challenge.  There is an 8 mile Super up Ogden canyon the end of July...We could make a great team family!
Like mom mentioned, we lost our first foal of the season.  We tend to be a magnet for rare happenings.  CoCo's foal was presenting in a full breech which is rare for equines and by the time the vet finally maneuvered the foal out, she was gone.  Very sad for all of us.  I talked to some farmers about whether they thought they had more successes or failures in a given year.  They responded that it just depended on the year.  So out of the three years we've had babies, all of them had seen tragedy.  Out of the seven babies born on our farm, only two have survived.  I hope the remainder of this year will turn for the better.
We finished our bathroom!  Hip hooray!
And now for the pictures...
 Barbed wire crawl
 Bucket haul and hike
 Final fire jump
 1/2 mile in 8 minutes
 He decided it was okay to get dirty

 Go Spartans!

BEFORE bathroom pics

 And AFTER!  It is night and day difference.
Love you all family!

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