Sunday, March 24, 2019

Manning Moments

This week the boys and I got to escape the somewhat warm American Fork weather to the rainstorms and colder weather of St. George. What the weather lacked was made up for with good times with the Harts and Jenn. It was fun to chat and Wesley was in heaven with everyone at his command. We got to see some beautiful waterfalls and went swimming and enjoyed good food too.
We have done some fun activities lately including: the Aquarium, a fire department tour, bowling and fishing. Wesley caught the first fish of the season which was so fun! I am learning that a great thing about having little kids is that you can do the same thing every year and it is a completely new experience for them!
Other than that, we are just doing the same old. Chet has three teeth and wants to walk instead of crawl. Every time he goes on the floor he pushes up into a down dog.
Looking forward to sunshine and gardening...

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