Sunday, March 3, 2019

Flake Fun

We don't have a whole lot to report this week but we can commiserate with the Nilsson's when it comes to mud and sludge.  A week and a half ago we got 15+ inches of snow overnight and it took it's time melting which left plenty of time for mud puddles (read: lakes) to form everywhere.  We are finally about mud free which is really nice.  Now we just have to re-form our driveway from the tire craters that are now covering it.

Scott made a drop system in our greenhouse and put it on a timer so now all of our seedlings are getting watered at appropriate amounts each afternoon.  It is really fun and convenient!  We can't wait to expand it once we get more seedlings planted.  If anyone is interested, we'll help you design one!

Let's see, what else...Scott has a job interview this week with the county Treasurer's office so we're keeping our fingers crossed.  He is still planning to do taxes but this opportunity came up and he applied several weeks ago while we were waiting for his number to come.  One of those take the opportunities as they pop up kind of things.

Anyway, hope that you all have a great week!!

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