8 September 2014 - Some of you have already heard this story but I'll tell it anyway. We arrived back in Snowflake around 7:00PM on Friday night. There was just enough light for us to do a quick inspection of our garden. We noticed that there were not as many ripe tomatoes as we had anticipated there would be. (We still picked 20+ pounds the next morning). Prior to leaving we had told a few people that they were welcome to pick some tomatoes while we were gone but let's be honest, how often does that happen?
At church on Sunday one of Scott's co-workers thanked him for the 4 bags of tomatoes that she picked from our garden! A little while later Scott's dad mentioned that he had picked a bag full of tomatoes. As we were leaving church Aunt Karen stopped us and thanked us for the 2 bags of tomatoes that they had picked while her daughter was visiting.
I guess our little tomato plants are doing better than we had thought! 50 pounds on the Thursday that we left, 7 bags full in the week that we were gone, and 20+ pounds the day after we got back!
We are feeling very blessed that our garden is doing so well. Oh yeah, we got another 1 lb carrot yesterday and Scott told me it is the small one compared to the one that was growing next to it...