Thursday, September 25, 2014

Not Much...

25 Sept 2014 - It has been a while since my last post.  Life has, for the most part, returned to normal.  We get up and go to work every morning.  I played a solo in church on Sunday.  Less than a page into the song, babies started crying...hysterically.  Not quite sure how to take that. 

We still have tomatoes, although they are starting to diminish.  We pulled out another huge carrot the other day.  I would say the main carrot was at least 1 pound.  All othe "appendages" were another 1/4 - 1/2 pound!

The weather is getting chilly and it is dark in the mornings.  Fall is in the air!  The leaves are starting to turn which is fun.  I will miss the canyon drives to see the leaves.  We don't really have much in the way of picturesque canyons to drive up. up the canyon for us and send us pictures!!!!

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