Wednesday, December 3, 2014


3 Dec 2014

Well the surgery went well.  It took about 90 minutes but Dr. Connelly said that things went smoothly. I was in the hospital less than 2 hours after surgery so I am home and recuperating fine.   I'm sore but Scott is taking really good care of me and I know that I'll be up and around soon (but not too soon, I promise.)
Just wanted to give everyone the update.  Love you all.  Thanks for your thoughts and prayers. I know that they worked, as did the blessing that Scott gave me last night.  Isn't it wonderful to have the priesthood in our lives?  Don't ever forget how great a blessing that truly is.

1 comment:

  1. So glad you are feeling better and recovering so well, Jenn. What a blessing! Thanks for giving us a good reason to do our temple project. I loved, loved, loved it!
