Monday, November 24, 2014


24 November 2014 - Have you ever used a cement grinder?  I don't recommend it!  On Friday we used a rented cement grinder to level the cracks in the floor of the house.  It was a long, cold, brutal process.  The grinder is hooked to the garden hose so water sprays out to cool the grinding blade. Scott would grind for 10-15 seconds while I sucked up as much water as possible with the shop vac (Highly recommended product for any type of remodel!).  Then we would empty the shop vac and mop up the excess water with towels.  Then the whole process would be repeated...for 6 hours.  Like I said, brutal.  But we took it kind of easy the next day and the floor is nice and level now.   Pictures will be coming soon.

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