Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Farewell to Summer

Canning.  You know you are nearing the end of summer when canning season arrives.  Green beans and spaghetti sauce have been on my agenda lately but it is wonderful!  I don't know who made us all worried about this global warming thing, but this has been the coolest August that I can remember.  The past two weeks have been in the 70's and we've had so much rain!  Our grass has never looked happier!  It is hard to believe that summer is already ending.  We celebrated two birthdays, Addy and Emerson's (we'll try to post pictures later).  I took a foot renewing class and I am now a certified renewist.  It may sound strange but it works wonders!  We didn't go on any family vacations because Garrett was gone to a lot of scout and youth camps.  We plan on going to St. George the last week in September and that should be a lot of fun.  We have now started school again.  I am so grateful that I'm able to keep my kids at home and that we're able to learn together.  It is fun for the most part, although there are those days...

One last thing, we are on the lookout for purchasing a bigger vehicle so if you want to keep your eye out for us, that would be fantastic.  Vans are the most common but we really like the Pilots and Suburban type.  Under 100,000 miles and under $10,000.  We are going to need it by the end of February because our family is going to have expanded by then!  Love you all and look forward to seeing you at the gathering!

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