I have spent the last hour delightfully entertained catching up on all the blog posts I’ve missed over the last few months. Jenn wins for consistency and exciting updates and Emma wins for best photography and funny stories. Seriously Em, you have such a good eye.
I don’t think January even happened here. I woke up this morning and we are well into February and I don’t remember much of what has happened since Christmas. It was glorious to have so many of you here post Christmas Day. I loved visiting with the grown ups and playing with the kids. My favorites times were the snow days. Introducing Victoria to the outdoor snow cone tradition will be a favorite memory of mine forever.
Ruth, Lori, and I were able to attend a retreat for homeschool mamas in January was so much fun and very relaxing. We laughed a whole bunch and learned some really great things. Lori and I collaborated on a musical presentation one of the evenings which went really well. Lori is amazing!
We were sad to send Ian back to Utah Tech after Christmas break but we were so glad to have him home for a good, long stretch. He is working on a production of A Gentleman’s Guide to Love and Murder down at Utah Tech and sends me pictures of him painting sets. I should start a collection. He is really looking forward to wrapping up this semester and heading to Hale Center Theater for the summer where he will be performing in Footloose. We’re so excited for him.
Jack has become quite the socialite lately. He went on his first date a few weeks ago and when he got home from that there was a whole set up on our front porch from a girl he met once inviting him to the Sweetheart Ball at one of the local high schools. Emma and Ruth were here and were able to help us get a response prepared. He got home from Florida on Friday and then was gone all day Saturday to the date and dance festivities. He is taking and investing class at our homeschool co-op this semester which he is excited about. He got called to serve as the 1st assistant in his Priest quorum and is learning the ropes there. They have a huge (fun) group of boys. He loves being his own person, driving the car he bought from Grandpa for a dollar, and keeps us entertained with his quirky humor and escapades.
Peter started piano lessons at the beginning of the year and has become obsessed with playing the piano. He plays constantly. He also purchased a bass guitar and is trying to figure out how to play that. He also joined the local homeschool choir, alright fine, I signed him up for the local homeschool choir but he is a good sport and I think he likes it. It helps that Emerson is also part of the choir. He loves playing with our kitty or “killy” as Stetson calls her. He got set apart as the second counselor in the Deacon’s quorum today and is excited to serve the boys in his group.
Most of January was spent prepping for the big Spikeball tournament that Alex hosts in Florida. He and the boys along with his partner drove a packed van down and I flew out a few days later. The weather was glorious, the tournament was spectacular and we got to stay a few extra days to relax and play. We loved playing mini golf and going to Universal along with some pool time at our Airbnb that we shared with a whole bunch of really great friends. There are so many wonderful people in this world and we are lucky to know a lot of them.
My new favorite flavor of chips. Mom also loves them.
Off to a fancy evening at the theater.