Sunday, August 11, 2024

Hyde Happinesses

 Hello friends!

At last the summer has begun to calm down and I can now resume some sort of routine ๐Ÿคž๐Ÿผ it’s been good, but man am I tired! We just got through with a rodeo camping weekend with Cams siblings. It was fun. I still hate camping. And I hate that I dislike camping because it makes me feel like I hate nature. But geez. It was awful. I do love hearing all the outside noises and we slept right by a river so that was nice. But it was cold. And the ground was SO HARD and lumpy. And Stetson had to sleep with us and basically kicked in circles allllllll night long. I know I was awake for at least 3 hours straight at one point. And pretty much in and out every half hour. Do I dislike camping? Yes, yes I do. But we did it and I’m proud and now we don’t have to do it for another 3 years hopefully.

This week really was pretty slow besides this weekend. It was nice to try to get back in the groove and get ourselves settled again. I’m sooooo blasted tired from going to bed at midnight on Friday and not sleeping at all Saturday, I think I will turn in ๐Ÿ˜… thank you for joining me in my rant session. Life really is great. And camping was actually sort of fun. Besides the actual camping part ⛺️ I sure love you all! Hope you have a great week! 

We got this pool for Stetson to use. He likes to throw rocks in it and Oakley likes to dig for them. It gives me a good 45 minute chance to sit down! 

And then he found dirt ๐Ÿ˜…

He helped me make peanut butter bars 

Who raised this kid?? 

Rodeo! These are all the couples that got married in the last three months. The couple next to us live in Logan 

Fair shenanigans 

Attempting to put him down at camp. It took over an hour

They must be related or something 

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