Sunday, August 25, 2024

Flake Fun

First off, Emma, don't feel bad for disliking camping.  I dread it. But maybe it will get better. 

This last month has been pretty good.  The kids still talk about how fun the cousins reunion was.  

We have semi started school. I am trying to figure the whole thing out so we are just taking it one day at a time. 

We planted little patches of cover crop where our fruit trees will go and they were looking pretty good...then the cows found them. 

The highlight of the last week was finding our toads.

James put 7 of them in his plastic boat and loved watching them escape.

Rand's first solo catch lizard

Robin's first solo catch lizard

"My hands are bleeding oobleck"

Rand saw this monster truck at Tractor Supply and had to take a picture with it.

Field peas - the cows destroyed my compost bin too!

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