Sunday, August 18, 2024

Hyde Hapinnesses

 This was the first week in a long time where we haven’t had to go anywhere or do anything and it was AWESOME. Cam has been working with his brother all week so Stetson and I have seen very little of him. But Cam has been loving it and they’ve been very successful so that’s good :) I got to go to lunch with mom yesterday which was delightful. For anyone considering it, moving to Logan and having lunch dates with mom is absolutely unmatched and totally recommended. 

Because the week was so blissfully uneventful, I don’t have much to say :) but here are some cute pictures of Stetson :) 

Thanks Jenn for the awesome strider bike! It’s still too big for him but he LOVES it

Fishing was well… an adventure 😂 Stetson loved when Cam or Nate threw in the line, but the minute they caught a fish it was “all done!!” And he wanted nothing to do with it. But the fish they caught were SO delicious. 

Mid sneeze at Angie’s 

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