Sunday, December 10, 2023

Hyde Happinesses

 Hello hello! Not too much occurred this week. It was a doozy as far as Stetsons sleep went… this kiddo really doesn’t like sleeping and it’s wearing on his parents let me tell ya. The newest development is this screaming crying choking thing that he does when he wakes up and doesn’t immediately get nursing. So now we’re working on trying to get him to fall asleep without nursing. It’s long and painful but I’m hopeful it will allow Cam to be able to put him down sometimes. 

Other news is that we booked a cruise on Tuesday 😅 it embarks this Thursday and we’ll be gone until the 22nd. It will be a blast! We’re going to the Dominican, Haiti, and the Bahamas. Very exciting!! I’m a bit nervous just because I’d rather die than get nauseous, but I have lots of Dramamine so hopefully that helps 😂 

Annnnnd we’re moving to Utah. Cam booked the moving truck for the 28th! He and his brother will drive it and Stetson and I will fly. Cam decided to go back to school at USU and they granted him In State tuition again, so that’s nice! He’s going to be studying nutrition I think, with the thought of medical school in the end. 

There ya have it! Hope you have a great week!

Those eyebrows 😅

Newfound love of oranges, peel and all 


Always checking on Oakley 

A nice walk in 60° weather! 

Christmas bread making! So grateful Cam goes along and helps me out with this fun tradition.

Stetson and his crush, Amelia, at church. They absolutely love playing. 

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