Sunday, December 31, 2023

Flake Fun

Well, the month of December flew by! We had fun driving around to see Christmas lights, going to the town lighting, attending some fun Christmas Camps (kid craft days) and making the house look festive.  

We had a nice, quiet Christmas morning with the kids and then headed over to be with Scott's family and it got chaotic with 3 barking dogs, one anxious 8 year old and 5 yelling adults.  We made gingerbread houses and went to the Giving Machine.  Then the party started to break up and everyone went home.  

The newest, fun thing is that the kids took great interest in playing Jingle Bells on the piano and singing at the top of their lungs.  It was really fun to listen to. 

The other day I had a friend ask me if my family got along and still spoke to each other.  She is one of 9 kids and she has 2 siblings that talk to her.  One of her siblings even put forth the effort to return the Christmas card my friend sent!  That started me thinking about how great you all are.  Thanks for putting forth the effort to stay connected.  Thanks for being willing to be open so that we can pray for, cheer for, cry with and support each other.  I didn't realize how rare that is.  

I hope that you all have a wonderful new year and that it is the best year yet.  

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