Sunday, December 3, 2023

Hyde Happinesses

 I’ve gotta tell you, it makes me so so happy to see your posts!! They totally make my day. You guys are the very best. I love hearing about your lives and all the good things you do. 

Not too much to report this week. Stetson still has a runny nose. Rumor has it it won’t stop until sometime mid-march. Maybe later. I will keep you posted. We had a pretty rainy week and I got away with making lots of soup ๐Ÿ˜‹ hats off to Cam for putting up with all the soup days. I think he handled it alright though, because there was lots of bread to go with it. 

Stetson has been keeping us highly entertained with the faces he’s been making lately. Pictures to follow. He also is loving blowing bubbles before bed and popping them with his mouth like Oakley does. I don’t know if Oakley will ever warm up to him, but he sure gets a kick out of her. He’s still sleeping quite horribly. Sometimes I handle it better than other times, but mostly I feel like a walking zombie, barely functioning. And I have a permanent eye twitch. Very fun. He’s also been standing a lot more on his own, but isn’t very interested in actually taking any steps. One day he’ll decide that’s what he wants to do and that’s what he’ll do! 

Stetsons faces: a miniseries. His teeth make it all so much better ๐Ÿ˜…

Just the gift I wanted under the tree ๐Ÿ˜‰

He’s not quite sure what to think about the new puppy… he prefers the “big dogs.”

This is his most effective way of telling us he’d like an orange๐Ÿ˜„ he’s not quite pointing yet, but he’ll motion over to the counter with the oranges, get this big grin on his face, then not be able to contain his excitement and wait for us to peel the orange.

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