Sunday, June 4, 2023

Hyde Happinesses

 We are getting so excited for the reunion!! I can’t wait to see everyone in a week!!!!

This week was pretty normal. Stetson is army crawling around so that’s crazy. He loves his door jumper and it has been a life saver for me πŸ˜‚ this kid never stops moving!! He just goes and goes all day long! He’s so fun but so exhausting. We’re excited to have a few extra hands to hold this squirmy guy for a few days.

 Cam went to stake camp with the young men (he’s the stake camp director) and enjoyed his time there. There were about 70 young men that attended. They caught him talking to me on the phone one night and teased him about his girlfriend and thought it was pretty crazy he had a wife and baby. Needless to say he was the youngest and coolest leader there ;) 

Teething troubles

When you wake up from a two hour nap! They’re usually only 20-30 minutes long


He loves his toes πŸ˜‚

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