Sunday, July 11, 2021

Nilsson News

 Jenn!  I want to see your hair - or the lack thereof!  It will be perfect for this weather.  We have bouncing babies!  Last Sunday, along with the Mannings, Addy's goat Bumble delivered twins, a boy and a girl.  Because of the holiday, they were named George and Betsy.  The best part with these two is there blue eyes and they are both polled, meaning the will never grow horns!  Last night, Nibbles delivered her very large twin boys.  They are adorable and chunky and both of them have waddles like their mom.  Everything went smooth and good and we are so happy they are here.  Addy can now settle down a bit.

We had cousins from Arizona here all week.  Garrett's sister flew to Hawaii with her oldest daughter, so the rest of the kids came to play.  It was fun to have them and we enjoyed fireworks, floated the river, ran through the sprinkler and played with baby goats (they are seriously so entertaining).

We have been doing a lot of haying lately.  Because of the drought, everyone is worried that there is going to be short supply of hay so we are trying to buy as much as we can early in the season.  We are doing our best to keep the garden, grass, and trees alive during this crazy hot season.  The watermelons are thriving and we may have some ready to pick by the end of the month.  Hope you all have a delightful Sabbath!

The kids had fun at their primary bike parade.
Happy Independence Day!
George & Betsy

...and Clark

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