Sunday, July 11, 2021

Flake Fun

 This week has been hot...over 100 for more than half the week. So we have had lots of popsicles, juice, cold water and any other cold food we can find. 

The big news is that James has started army crawling! I don't know if I am ready for him to be mobile! I think that he may be teething again because he has been a little cranky but it could just be the heat too. 

Robin has 4 new teeth which is good. They are taking their sweet time coming in fully but they are all through the gums so she isn't as emotional as she has been. 

Rand is my watering buddy and loves to be in the garden. 

The twins love to check the mail and when we don't have any, we have to check Aunt Karen's! It has been a real treat for them to be responsible for Grandma Flakes mail this week since Dona and Randy are out of town. 

It was a treat for us, especially for Rand, to see "aunt Lise" on Grandmas phone. 

That is about all that is going on down here. The forecast says we should only be in the upper 90s this week and I'll welcome the cool down! Oh, and I cut my hair.

Love you all! Make it a great week. 

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