Sunday, July 4, 2021

Flake Fun

 First off, a huge congrats to the Mannings. We are all so happy for you and can't wait to meet the new little Mann.

It has been a month since I last posted and it has been a busy month.  The highlights were definitely the cousin reunion and the following week spent visiting with most of you. A huge thanks to everyone for letting us barge in and disrupt normal life.  It makes me happy that the twins can recognize and remember their cousins.  We hope to be up again soon.

James still has no interest in crawling but he has mastered spinning himself around on his bottom and he takes great delight in that trick. 

Rand never stops talking and he is becoming quite the conversationalist.  The other day he met Scott at the front door and exclaimed "Come in!"

Robin is learning the frustration of being nearly 2 and the misunderstanding that comes with the territory.  

Our garden is struggling along but I planted 2 lavender bushes this weekend so we now have a bit of color in our yard. 

We are back to a very early bedtime to see if it will help everyone sleep better.  The jury is still out!

Love you all!! 

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