Sunday, May 30, 2021

Manning Moments

 Jenn you put the rest of us to shame with consistently writing even when you have three babies and potty training two of them! 

We also started potty training Chet and he has done really well with it. We are trying to keep our garden alive but that has taken a back seat this year. Wesley has been learning a lot and has really done well with reading and math this past year. It is so fun to see them connect the dots and learn to master things. Chet has loved having construction going on around our house for the last several months. We go on lots of walks and see the excavators and big trucks of all sorts.

Nick finished teaching School last week and is glad for a little break. He is trying to start teaching group guitar classes and seems really excited about that. He took the boys on a father and sons campout a couple weeks ago and they loved it. I know the boys loved it, I have my doubts about Nick's sanity but he was a good sport!

It has been nice to see many of you over the last little while and are excited to see you in a few weeks!

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