Sunday, May 30, 2021

Flake Fivesome

 We haven't gotten out much since our last post and life revolves around the two little potty chairs that follow the twins around.  Potty training is taking longer than we had anticipated but looking back it is getting better every day...almost.  

The kids and I did venture out for a quick visit to walmart last week to pick up some garden soil ammendment, cherry tomato plants and strawberry plants.  We had fun planting those and hope to see the literal fruits of our labors before the season is out. 

The wind is becoming more reasonable so we can usually go outside for a little bit in the mornings. 

James has become enamored with his siblings and Rand is a doting big brother.  He'll run into the room exclaiming, "baby James awake!" The other day I though James would make himself sick from laughing so hard at Rand playing peek a boo with him.

I think that is about all.  We can't wait to see most of you in a few weeks at the cousin's reunion!  By the way, Rand has been very interested in connecting the family dots lately: "Jack, Peter, uncle Alex." "Wesley, Chet, uncle Nick." "Go see Uncle Joe, Grace."

Any time either of the twins sees a picture of Thomas they exclaim, "JJ!!!" 

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