Sunday, April 18, 2021

Flake Five


It has been too long since I posted so apologies for that. 

A couple of weeks ago we took a little family trip to the St George area to celebrate our 14th anniversary.   We had a lot of fun.  We didn'r manage to get shuttle tickets but we did do a couple of hikes which were fun. We stayed at the Holmstead Ranch Resort for a couple of nights and the kids had a blast playing in the sand at the little lake.  We also discovered the Thunder Junction All Abilities park. Talk about a cool place! They had metal slides!! And other really fun contraptions so Rand and Robin really enjoyed it.  

Rand and Robin are starting to really get into talking which is fun.  Rand especially likes to try his hand at new words and phrases. 

All three of the kids had check ups this last week.  James is in the 90th percentile for height and the twins are in the 50th so there are only about 5 inches difference in their height. 

The wind has been terrible for the last couple of weeks so we have been stuck indoors which is hard. 

We got the go ahead to resume church as close to normal as possible. (Still no hymn books and masks are requested). So the twins went to nursery today for the first time.  Well, to be honest, we all went to nursery today.  I wasn't sure how it would go since most of the kids had never been to nursery let alone 2 hours of church!! It went really well though.  

Well, that is all that I can think of to report.  Love you all!!

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