Sunday, October 18, 2020

Manning Moments

 Jenn you put us all to shame. You have three babies to juggle and always manage to write on the blog! 

I don't have much to write about. We just the last of the apples off our tree and cut down many of our plants in the yard yesterday. Our tomatoes are still going but they did get a little nip of frost. The weather has been lovely but I think that will change this coming weekend.

We have been enjoying our little school for the most part. Wesley loves his online reading program and our great brains that we do. He get so passionate for whatever he is studying. He recently has started this thing where he "studies." He will go somewhere away from the rest of us and study. He will take toys or objects and just observe for quite a while! It is very cute. I wish I could get into his head sometimes.

Chet is learning how to sleep. At least that is my perspective. His perspective is probably learning how many loops he can jump through in one evening. It is a work in progress but I think there is progress sometimes. He is really, really cute and that is a problem. He says "How about dat!" All the time. And "Isn't that interting." And "Dat's weird." He is a little parrot. He is also very good running into walls or other solid objects and throwing things.

Nick is working and seems to enjoy it ok. The masks are still hard for him to hear and understand his students but what can you do.

I think that is about all. Hope you are well!

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