Sunday, October 11, 2020

Flake Fivesome

 Of course the big news from Snowflake was the arrival of baby James. He is an absolute sweetheart who adores his Grandma Belliston.  He eats like a champ and is almost back to his birthweight.  He still has quite a bit of hair and I am hoping that it sticks around.  

Robin and Rand are getting used to having another baby in the house.  It is really cute to see them stand on their top toes to check on him in the pack and play.

The weather is cooling off which is nice and we are enjoying the last of our garden produce. Hopefully we still get more tomatoes but we'll see.  

One of our favorite things to do is wait to see what crazy hairdo Robin will have next. Her hair has a mind of it's own for sure. 

Hope that you all have a great week!!

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