Sunday, August 16, 2020

Flake Foursome

 The highlight of the week was definitely the last minute visit from Mom and Dad. They arrived Wed night and left Saturday.  We loved having them. They were very helpful, as always.

Rand and Robin both came down with a fever on Wed night and had a rough day on Thursday but they seem to be on the mend and are back to smiling and running around. 

Our peach tree is producing perfect miniature peaches which is fun.  We have also harvested 2 watermelons from our garden which were delicious.  The kids love to be in the garden and if our tomatoes  make it to ripeness it will be a miracle!!

We have started weekly virtual sacrament meetings which are a bit strange but I'll take what we can get. We meet over Zoom and have a song, prayer, 2 talks, another song and a closing prayer. 

The kids are growing up and doing fun new things every day.  Rand discovered the joy of flour yesterday!!

Hope that you all have a good week!!

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