No one told me about 4 month sleep regression! I have definitely been spoiled with how well they used to sleep! But I'm sure that they will be sleeping better soon.
It was so fun to get a video called from Hermana Belliston on Friday. We are all excited to see her in person!
The tomato plant in the greenhouse has tomatoes on it which is fun. We'll see if they ripen!
We are excited to see all who will be there for Thanksgiving.
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Monday, November 18, 2019
Flake Fun
This week was a good one. We were able to see the incredible process that babies go through to learn something new. A few days ago Rand started doing some different motions with this tongue. It was like he was trying to lick his upper lip. He did it a lot. On Saturday he started spitting! And he's pretty good at it! It was fascinating.
Robin has started working on rolling over. They both are getting more patient with tummy time. They hit the 4 month mark on Saturday which is crazy!
The interviews for my replacement are scheduled for Wednesday so I learned last week that my boss is expecting me to work through December...4 weeks longer than I was planning on. We'll see how that goes.
Wish that we could be there for the play but we know that Ian will be the star! Can't wait to see you all in a week or so!
Robin has started working on rolling over. They both are getting more patient with tummy time. They hit the 4 month mark on Saturday which is crazy!
The interviews for my replacement are scheduled for Wednesday so I learned last week that my boss is expecting me to work through December...4 weeks longer than I was planning on. We'll see how that goes.
Wish that we could be there for the play but we know that Ian will be the star! Can't wait to see you all in a week or so!
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Hart Happenings
Congratulations Thomas and Victoria on your new house! So exciting! I'd love to see some pictures! Also, technically, 40 degrees isn't "freezing".
Ian's life right now is Matilda, Matilda, Matilda. We got to go to a preview on Friday morning which was really great and highlighted the main songs. It got us really excited to see the complete show tomorrow night. Thanks to Ruth and Garrett for going to support Ian, even though it isn't Ruth's favorite show. It meant a lot to him that you guys came.
Jack has decided he wants to be a helicopter, so we'll see how that goes. Best of luck to that crazy kid!
Peter has been appointed the family chaplain and checks with all of us to make sure that we are staying on top of our scripture studies. He takes his responsibility very seriously and actually drives his brothers crazy, but we are doing better on our studies, that is for sure! Peter himself is 76 pages into his Old Testament picture storybook. He is eating it up although some of the stories give him pause.
Everyone in the fam signed up for Joe and Alex's new Goalit challenges and it has been fun to get back into a challenge/goal mindset! Good things happening there.
Jack and Ian graced us with a spontaneous dance performed to the William Tell Overture. Hilarious!
We enjoyed our homeschool cooperative's end of semester showcase. The boys and I have really enjoyed participating there. Alex has even gotten involved! There are so many great people that are part of it and we are finding some really great friends.
A big job that we tackled this week was winterizing the yard. We got all the leaves raked off the grass and transferred to the garden and our friends' garden and a huge compost leaf pile. SO. MANY. LEAVES! Sheesh!
Ruth and I went out for a girls night last night and we lasted until abou
Smithfield Scoop
CONGRATULATIONS to... Addy for winning the sonatina competition (even though you felt quite miserable!), and to the Flake babies for growing so well and being so cute, and to T & T for finding and purchasing a new home, and to Ian for loving the all time best musical ever (Sound of Music!) and for performing so well in Matilda (which we can't wait to see tomorrow!), and to Grace for turning 10 so gracefully, and to all of the amazing Spartans in our family who learned they can do hard, very hard, things, and to Elise for figuring out how to get the fireplace redone, and to Lauren for surviving Nick going back and forth to Logan for weeks on end (or what felt like that long)...
I was surprised to see that we haven't posted a contribution to this lovely blog for a month. How does time go by so quickly??!! We thoroughly enjoyed our time in California at the Spartan event. I think I am going to write a book, or maybe just some thoughts, that I will call "Lessons From our Grandchildren." I was so inspired by our young ones as I watched them work so hard and overcome obstacles and learn some lessons. It was great! Thanks for inviting us! Please let us know when you plan to race again.
This is a clip from the email I sent to Emma after returning from California - for history's sake...
"It has been fun to be with Elise, Joe and Ruth and their families this weekend. We arrived in California at various times on Thursday evening, between 6:00 and midnight, but we all made it safe and sound. There was really only one major hiccup - when Joe and Lori’s van decided it didn’t want to make the trip and refused to go any further than St. George. They left it at a dealership in St. George after purchasing a newer one, and continued their journey. Typical of that amazing family, they could see all the tender mercies, miracles, and the hand of the Lord in the timing – that it didn’t break down in the middle of nowhere; that they had not bought new tires before leaving, as they had planned; that Joe was able to talk the salesman into giving them more for a trade-in value on their old van than they first offered; that they still got to California on Thursday and the delay did not cause them to miss the race, etc., etc. They are an inspiration to me about looking for the good in each situation. Everyone else made it just fine and we all had a wonderful time together in a very accommodating Airbnb cabin in the mountains. The race was yesterday, with Ian, Jack, Peter, Grace, Grant, Joy, Jake, Emerson and Eliza running the kid’s one-mile and two-mile races and Alex, Joseph, Lori, Ruth and Garrett running the 12.8 mile “Beast” Spartan. I was amazed at how well they all did. Each had some scars, but all survived! The children had obstacles on their course, just like the adults, and had to carry heavy sand bags for quite a distance, climb up walls, run through a deep mud pit, climb ropes, throw spears, etc., in addition to running! Ian came in first of the whole group in his division on the 2-mile run, thanks to his long legs and perseverance. He came home with a bloody hand from a rope laceration, but we bandaged it and he carried on. There were probably 30 or 40 or more kids in each division. In the younger division, the one mile race, Grant came in 2nd, Peter 3rd, and Grace 5th! They all finished, learning they can do hard things and pushing through the parts they didn’t like at all. At one point, little Jake was carrying a heavy sand bag on his shoulders and got out of balance from being top heavy, sank to his knees without putting his hands out in front of him because he was holding the bag, and just stayed there – face in the dirt! The guy manning that event picked him up and asked him if he was okay. “I think I scratched my knee.” After looking at it for a minute, Jake decided it wasn’t too bad and that he could keep running, which he did! So inspiring. However, another of the most inspiring part of the day was watching Jack wait for Emerson. Jack hung out at each obstacle until Emerson caught up, then he would encourage Emer to get through the obstacle and try to get him to run. It was so noble and kind and patient of Jack. What a guy. I had those boys in the car on the drive back and at Jack said to Emerson, “Emer, we need to work on your endurance.” “What’s that?” “You know, your stamina.” “What’s that?” “It’s like when you keep going even when you don’t want to or it gets hard.” “Oh.” “Next time, I might not wait up for you if you don’t work on your endurance.” “Okay.” That was all. No belittling, no complaining, just honest encouragement. It was a good time. What a great family to belong to. I sure love them all."
We loved having the Manning crew here for a few days recently. Nick was playing guitar in a theater production in Logan and had to travel back and forth to work, but was able to spend Friday night through Sunday here with all of us. Chet learned to navigate the stairs after taking a sad tumble down. He's quite proficient now. We have been to Idaho a couple of times recently, catching a piano recital for Addy and taking some beef to the Harts. We hope soon to catch a basketball game, choir performances, and are looking forward to seeing Matilda tomorrow night. We dropped in on Joe and Lori's family for a visit on Grace's birthday. What a darling 10-year-old! We are always absolutely grateful for any time we are blessed to spend with our family.
Our recent efforts involve getting ready for Emma to return from her mission. We are almost finished with our master bathroom remodel and I'm pretty excited to have the carpet out of the bathroom! Hopefully, it will be done before you all come home to see Emma and/or for Thanksgiving :)
As we watch the Face to Face right now, we are quite excited for the new Youth and Children program. Some really wonderful changes in the church programs that will make a difference in the lives of our grandchildren, which we are so grateful for.
Sure love you all! Have a wonderful week - and pray for Emma's last 4 days in the mission field!
I was surprised to see that we haven't posted a contribution to this lovely blog for a month. How does time go by so quickly??!! We thoroughly enjoyed our time in California at the Spartan event. I think I am going to write a book, or maybe just some thoughts, that I will call "Lessons From our Grandchildren." I was so inspired by our young ones as I watched them work so hard and overcome obstacles and learn some lessons. It was great! Thanks for inviting us! Please let us know when you plan to race again.
This is a clip from the email I sent to Emma after returning from California - for history's sake...
"It has been fun to be with Elise, Joe and Ruth and their families this weekend. We arrived in California at various times on Thursday evening, between 6:00 and midnight, but we all made it safe and sound. There was really only one major hiccup - when Joe and Lori’s van decided it didn’t want to make the trip and refused to go any further than St. George. They left it at a dealership in St. George after purchasing a newer one, and continued their journey. Typical of that amazing family, they could see all the tender mercies, miracles, and the hand of the Lord in the timing – that it didn’t break down in the middle of nowhere; that they had not bought new tires before leaving, as they had planned; that Joe was able to talk the salesman into giving them more for a trade-in value on their old van than they first offered; that they still got to California on Thursday and the delay did not cause them to miss the race, etc., etc. They are an inspiration to me about looking for the good in each situation. Everyone else made it just fine and we all had a wonderful time together in a very accommodating Airbnb cabin in the mountains. The race was yesterday, with Ian, Jack, Peter, Grace, Grant, Joy, Jake, Emerson and Eliza running the kid’s one-mile and two-mile races and Alex, Joseph, Lori, Ruth and Garrett running the 12.8 mile “Beast” Spartan. I was amazed at how well they all did. Each had some scars, but all survived! The children had obstacles on their course, just like the adults, and had to carry heavy sand bags for quite a distance, climb up walls, run through a deep mud pit, climb ropes, throw spears, etc., in addition to running! Ian came in first of the whole group in his division on the 2-mile run, thanks to his long legs and perseverance. He came home with a bloody hand from a rope laceration, but we bandaged it and he carried on. There were probably 30 or 40 or more kids in each division. In the younger division, the one mile race, Grant came in 2nd, Peter 3rd, and Grace 5th! They all finished, learning they can do hard things and pushing through the parts they didn’t like at all. At one point, little Jake was carrying a heavy sand bag on his shoulders and got out of balance from being top heavy, sank to his knees without putting his hands out in front of him because he was holding the bag, and just stayed there – face in the dirt! The guy manning that event picked him up and asked him if he was okay. “I think I scratched my knee.” After looking at it for a minute, Jake decided it wasn’t too bad and that he could keep running, which he did! So inspiring. However, another of the most inspiring part of the day was watching Jack wait for Emerson. Jack hung out at each obstacle until Emerson caught up, then he would encourage Emer to get through the obstacle and try to get him to run. It was so noble and kind and patient of Jack. What a guy. I had those boys in the car on the drive back and at Jack said to Emerson, “Emer, we need to work on your endurance.” “What’s that?” “You know, your stamina.” “What’s that?” “It’s like when you keep going even when you don’t want to or it gets hard.” “Oh.” “Next time, I might not wait up for you if you don’t work on your endurance.” “Okay.” That was all. No belittling, no complaining, just honest encouragement. It was a good time. What a great family to belong to. I sure love them all."
We loved having the Manning crew here for a few days recently. Nick was playing guitar in a theater production in Logan and had to travel back and forth to work, but was able to spend Friday night through Sunday here with all of us. Chet learned to navigate the stairs after taking a sad tumble down. He's quite proficient now. We have been to Idaho a couple of times recently, catching a piano recital for Addy and taking some beef to the Harts. We hope soon to catch a basketball game, choir performances, and are looking forward to seeing Matilda tomorrow night. We dropped in on Joe and Lori's family for a visit on Grace's birthday. What a darling 10-year-old! We are always absolutely grateful for any time we are blessed to spend with our family.
Our recent efforts involve getting ready for Emma to return from her mission. We are almost finished with our master bathroom remodel and I'm pretty excited to have the carpet out of the bathroom! Hopefully, it will be done before you all come home to see Emma and/or for Thanksgiving :)
As we watch the Face to Face right now, we are quite excited for the new Youth and Children program. Some really wonderful changes in the church programs that will make a difference in the lives of our grandchildren, which we are so grateful for.
Sure love you all! Have a wonderful week - and pray for Emma's last 4 days in the mission field!
Nilsson News
I didn't post last week because it was a rather miserable week with Garrett being gone for a conference in Boise and three of the five kids ending up with the stomach flu. No fun! In spite of being sick but on the uphill climb, Addy competed in the local Sonatina competition (one of the judges was Kevin Olsen, one of Lauren's USU professors) and took first place in her division! It was definitely a blessing among the trials of the week.
Yesterday, Addy, Emerson and Eliza had a neat opportunity to participate with their choir in filming a music video. It was filmed in Frank Vandersloot's barn on his ranch. He is the owner of Melaleuca and is the one who funds the 4th of July fireworks. When we walked into the building, the kids looked around and said, "Mom, is this really a barn?" Compared to ours,, no. It was an awesome venue and the kids did great! We will let you know when the video comes out so you can all see it. Hopefully in time for Christmas!
They have broken ground across the street from us for a new subdivision (tears). What would make it not so horrible of a thing is if some of you built a home there! There will only be seven homes I believe and they will be on three acre lots. Any takers? Mannings? Bellistons? Flakes? We would love you for neighbors but we wouldn't be in the same ward. Think about it....the Harts make pretty good neighbors too!
We are super excited to see you guys next week and for Thanksgiving!
Look how much fun we have in Idaho! We had a great craft day, making dream catchers and medicine pouches to go along talking about the Native Americans who lived in Idaho. The kids went adventuring afterward and filled their pouches with all sorts of herbal leaves and remedies.
Yesterday, Addy, Emerson and Eliza had a neat opportunity to participate with their choir in filming a music video. It was filmed in Frank Vandersloot's barn on his ranch. He is the owner of Melaleuca and is the one who funds the 4th of July fireworks. When we walked into the building, the kids looked around and said, "Mom, is this really a barn?" Compared to ours,, no. It was an awesome venue and the kids did great! We will let you know when the video comes out so you can all see it. Hopefully in time for Christmas!
They have broken ground across the street from us for a new subdivision (tears). What would make it not so horrible of a thing is if some of you built a home there! There will only be seven homes I believe and they will be on three acre lots. Any takers? Mannings? Bellistons? Flakes? We would love you for neighbors but we wouldn't be in the same ward. Think about it....the Harts make pretty good neighbors too!
We are super excited to see you guys next week and for Thanksgiving!
The sonatina competition
We went with our homeschool friends to see the Darwin and Dinosaurs exhibit at the museum. It was a blast!Look how much fun we have in Idaho! We had a great craft day, making dream catchers and medicine pouches to go along talking about the Native Americans who lived in Idaho. The kids went adventuring afterward and filled their pouches with all sorts of herbal leaves and remedies.
Leaves! We are just getting to our leaf raking.
This is the Rexburg children's choir with the Fiddle Express singing "Stars Were Gleaming." Addy is with the middle group and Emerson and Eliza are off to the right side.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Well it's been "freezing" here, like it got all the way down to 40 degrees... But thankfully it came back up and was a beautiful 75 the last few days. So if anyone gets tired of hypothermia up there let us know, we'll clear out a room for ya!
Speaking of rooms, we're closing on a home this week, so that's exciting! It's a townhome closer to downtown so it'll cut down the travel to and from work which will be nice. That's basically the only exciting thing that's been going on down this-a-way. Tori's traveling like crazy, nothing new there, and I'm teaching more and more classes as they open up! It's been busy but great! Hopefully we'll have everything all moved into the new home and yall can come visit for a warm Christmas :) .
Speaking of rooms, we're closing on a home this week, so that's exciting! It's a townhome closer to downtown so it'll cut down the travel to and from work which will be nice. That's basically the only exciting thing that's been going on down this-a-way. Tori's traveling like crazy, nothing new there, and I'm teaching more and more classes as they open up! It's been busy but great! Hopefully we'll have everything all moved into the new home and yall can come visit for a warm Christmas :) .
Hart Happenings
Happy Sabbath everyone!
We had a wonderful Primary Program today. The children did an excellent job and sang their hearts out. There was an enormous congregation and it was just a great experience all around. Primary is the best!
Jack and Peter decided that soccer isn't the only sport on the planet and are now playing on basketball teams. So fun! But Jack is still playing indoor soccer. Their last game was so much fun to watch! They won handily.
We are enjoying a heat wave here in Idaho which makes for nice working in the yard weather. We've been hovering around 50 degrees as a high. Yippee!
The whole fam took a quick trip down to Brigham City on Friday night to see Alex' niece in her school's version of Newsies. They did great and Ian especially loved it!
Ian was hired over the weekend by a man in our ward to rake the leaves off and pick up the sticks on his 10 acre property. There was a crew of boys over there and Ian got to drive a four wheeler so it sounded like it was a good time.
Ruth had sick kids so we cancelled our field trip plans and just had Emerson over for a fun afternoon playing with Jack and Peter while Ian watched The Sound of Music. Mom, he LOVED it. So there, Thomas. That was the day that Alex took a road trip with his Dad and brother to Casper, Wyoming to see if they could get the building they own there on the market to sell.
Ian is gearing up for his Matilda performances which start this Friday. It's going too be great! We are excited to see all his hard work pay off.
Life is trucking along! Hope all is well with you guys. If you're looking for another really thought-provoking podcast, check out the Maxwell Institute podcast. There's a really wide variety of material on there and some deep religious discussion. I've really liked it so far.
Take care!
We had a wonderful Primary Program today. The children did an excellent job and sang their hearts out. There was an enormous congregation and it was just a great experience all around. Primary is the best!
Jack and Peter decided that soccer isn't the only sport on the planet and are now playing on basketball teams. So fun! But Jack is still playing indoor soccer. Their last game was so much fun to watch! They won handily.
We are enjoying a heat wave here in Idaho which makes for nice working in the yard weather. We've been hovering around 50 degrees as a high. Yippee!
The whole fam took a quick trip down to Brigham City on Friday night to see Alex' niece in her school's version of Newsies. They did great and Ian especially loved it!
Ian was hired over the weekend by a man in our ward to rake the leaves off and pick up the sticks on his 10 acre property. There was a crew of boys over there and Ian got to drive a four wheeler so it sounded like it was a good time.
Ruth had sick kids so we cancelled our field trip plans and just had Emerson over for a fun afternoon playing with Jack and Peter while Ian watched The Sound of Music. Mom, he LOVED it. So there, Thomas. That was the day that Alex took a road trip with his Dad and brother to Casper, Wyoming to see if they could get the building they own there on the market to sell.
Ian is gearing up for his Matilda performances which start this Friday. It's going too be great! We are excited to see all his hard work pay off.
Life is trucking along! Hope all is well with you guys. If you're looking for another really thought-provoking podcast, check out the Maxwell Institute podcast. There's a really wide variety of material on there and some deep religious discussion. I've really liked it so far.
Take care!
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Nilsson News
It sounds like winter has hit most of the family. I was looking at the Idaho Falls weather forecast while we were in California and the low was supposed to be -1 and the high 25 degrees. I was glad to be enjoying 65 degree weather for a few brief days. California was a blast and the only thing that would have made it any better would be to have the Flakes, Mannings, the T's and Emma there. I can see it in the future! After the epic Spartan experience, our family traveled on to Monterey, CA to explore the beach. Here are some pics...

I was seriously worried about Joe and Alex and I'm so happy they lived through the ordeal! Nevermind the mud, Elise, Thomas, Lauren, Nick and Scott, we will see you at the next Spartan. I think maybe the Super in Mesa, AZ in February? Aroo to another Spartan!
Here is a little from our adventure in Monterey. The tide pooling was definitely the best part of the whole trip!

It was a lovely vacation and now we are trying to get back in to real life! Love you all and can't wait to see you for Emma's homecoming and/or Thanksgiving!

Ian got first place!!!!

I was seriously worried about Joe and Alex and I'm so happy they lived through the ordeal! Nevermind the mud, Elise, Thomas, Lauren, Nick and Scott, we will see you at the next Spartan. I think maybe the Super in Mesa, AZ in February? Aroo to another Spartan!
Here is a little from our adventure in Monterey. The tide pooling was definitely the best part of the whole trip!
It was a lovely vacation and now we are trying to get back in to real life! Love you all and can't wait to see you for Emma's homecoming and/or Thanksgiving!
Hart Happenings
The morning we got back from our week of adventuring Jack woke up and walked into the kitchen beaming and announced, "it feel so good to be home!" He spoke what I think we were all feeling. We had SUCH a great time in California with everyone and it all felt so nice to be back home so I think it was the perfect vacation. Just right!
I was so impressed with everyone's fortitude during the Spartan. The kids did great, the adults survived and were so pleasant the next morning despite their aches and pains. It was such a fun time. I don't think we would ever want to do Spartans any other way without the whole crew! It makes it so memorable, exciting and fun!
Our forays into Yosemite and Sequoia national parks were awe inspiring. It's amazing to see the diversity of God's creations wherever we go. We spent time at the beach, in the desert, high alpine forests, and sequoia groves; all so different from each other and all so beautiful and interesting.
Sorry to hear about Bob, the sucker fish. Jenn, I think the reason you don't remember fish living that long when you were a kid is that ours never did live that long! You must be keeping them in a magic horse trough.
We got home just in time to jump into crazy preparations for our Trunk or Treat that the primary was in charge of, which was a huge success. Ian also had rehearsals to get back to, Jack's indoor soccer had started, and we arrived back in town in time to celebrate Halloween with our traditional trick or treating rounds with our friends the Martins.
The Primary is gearing up for their program next week. We had our first run-through this afternoon and it was beautiful! I love working with the kids in Primary.
Alex was up to his neck in work the moment he walked in the door. It is so nice to have the flexibility he does with his work but he has to work like crazy sometimes to get caught up!
Mom and Dad came on Thursday/Friday for a midwife thing here and brought us some beef which was really nice. It feels good to have a full freezer. They got to see the progress we are making on our fireplace. Guys! We are making progress! We might actually have it finished by Christmas! It has been quite the ordeal.....
Happy Daylight savings! Ian woke up in a panic this morning at 8:45, Alex and I were gone to meetings so he hauled his brothers out of bed, got everyone dressed in record time and hustled them out the door to church. So responsible. But then he glanced at a different clock and realized that it was actually only 7:45 and that the super rush was unwarranted. Peter was livid when Ian told his about the mix up. That boy loves his bed and being yanked from it so unceremoniously and violently upset him to no end.
Alex's mom and dad always host a family dinner the first Sunday of the month so we enjoyed getting to gather with everyone this afternoon. Soup was on the menu and it hit the spot!
It is brutally cold here. Not -48 like in Logan canyon, but plenty cold. Tuesday the high was 27. Ridiculous, if you ask me. But we bundle up and carry on. I like Lauren's determination to love where she lives year round. I am going to take a page out of that book.
Stay warm everyone! I guess that might take some doing for everyone minus the missionary and T and Victoria.
Looking forward to Thanksgiving!!!
The morning we got back from our week of adventuring Jack woke up and walked into the kitchen beaming and announced, "it feel so good to be home!" He spoke what I think we were all feeling. We had SUCH a great time in California with everyone and it all felt so nice to be back home so I think it was the perfect vacation. Just right!
I was so impressed with everyone's fortitude during the Spartan. The kids did great, the adults survived and were so pleasant the next morning despite their aches and pains. It was such a fun time. I don't think we would ever want to do Spartans any other way without the whole crew! It makes it so memorable, exciting and fun!
Our forays into Yosemite and Sequoia national parks were awe inspiring. It's amazing to see the diversity of God's creations wherever we go. We spent time at the beach, in the desert, high alpine forests, and sequoia groves; all so different from each other and all so beautiful and interesting.
Sorry to hear about Bob, the sucker fish. Jenn, I think the reason you don't remember fish living that long when you were a kid is that ours never did live that long! You must be keeping them in a magic horse trough.
We got home just in time to jump into crazy preparations for our Trunk or Treat that the primary was in charge of, which was a huge success. Ian also had rehearsals to get back to, Jack's indoor soccer had started, and we arrived back in town in time to celebrate Halloween with our traditional trick or treating rounds with our friends the Martins.
The Primary is gearing up for their program next week. We had our first run-through this afternoon and it was beautiful! I love working with the kids in Primary.
Alex was up to his neck in work the moment he walked in the door. It is so nice to have the flexibility he does with his work but he has to work like crazy sometimes to get caught up!
Mom and Dad came on Thursday/Friday for a midwife thing here and brought us some beef which was really nice. It feels good to have a full freezer. They got to see the progress we are making on our fireplace. Guys! We are making progress! We might actually have it finished by Christmas! It has been quite the ordeal.....
Happy Daylight savings! Ian woke up in a panic this morning at 8:45, Alex and I were gone to meetings so he hauled his brothers out of bed, got everyone dressed in record time and hustled them out the door to church. So responsible. But then he glanced at a different clock and realized that it was actually only 7:45 and that the super rush was unwarranted. Peter was livid when Ian told his about the mix up. That boy loves his bed and being yanked from it so unceremoniously and violently upset him to no end.
Alex's mom and dad always host a family dinner the first Sunday of the month so we enjoyed getting to gather with everyone this afternoon. Soup was on the menu and it hit the spot!
It is brutally cold here. Not -48 like in Logan canyon, but plenty cold. Tuesday the high was 27. Ridiculous, if you ask me. But we bundle up and carry on. I like Lauren's determination to love where she lives year round. I am going to take a page out of that book.
Stay warm everyone! I guess that might take some doing for everyone minus the missionary and T and Victoria.
Looking forward to Thanksgiving!!!
Flake Fun
This week has been cold and very dry. So dey in fact that while the night time temps were 9-18°, there was no frost in the mornings! But I hear that the temps should be more fall like this week and not so much middle of winter-esque.
I had a nice, semi quiet birthday which was very nice. It was fun to hear the surprise in Peter's voice when I told him that his mom was older than I am!
Our sucker fish, Bob, died this week which was sad. I honestly can't believe how well these fish are lasting! I don't remember fish living this long when I was a kid!
In baby news of the week, they are getting bigger and enjoy chatting with each other. Rand doesn't like to lay or sit down anymore but helping him stand is a great workout for biceps. I think that you should recommend it in your classes T. Maybe have a couple 3 month olds on hand to help promote the new workout regimen.
I had a nice, semi quiet birthday which was very nice. It was fun to hear the surprise in Peter's voice when I told him that his mom was older than I am!
Our sucker fish, Bob, died this week which was sad. I honestly can't believe how well these fish are lasting! I don't remember fish living this long when I was a kid!
In baby news of the week, they are getting bigger and enjoy chatting with each other. Rand doesn't like to lay or sit down anymore but helping him stand is a great workout for biceps. I think that you should recommend it in your classes T. Maybe have a couple 3 month olds on hand to help promote the new workout regimen.
Well, that is all that I can think of right now. Hope that you all have a great week.
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