Sunday, August 11, 2019

Nilsson News

Happy Anniversary yesterday mom and dad!  These are the days!  We are loving the summer weather and summer activities..  Playing with the animals, harvesting delicious goods from the garden, playing with friends, riding bikes, it just doesn't get better!
Garrett was gone on high adventure for a few days and then came home just in time to leave for a work conference in Boise.  I'm such a wimp whenever he's gone.  Somehow we survived.
This weekend we enjoyed some quality time with the Hart's and Bellistons.  Those cousins play so well!  We all enjoyed an epic show put on by the Xanedudes.  It was all complete with fog machine, disco spolights and bike stunts.  We thought for sure there would be a trip to the emergency room when a ladder was brought out.  It got even better when said ladder was placed on a very sturdy plastic table and Peter climbed to the very top well beyond the don't step point.  You'll have to see the videos!  It was a great time and I'm sure the Belliston's are now convinced to buy and move into the house two doors down.
Now for pictures:
 A random goose that hung out in our yard for a day.
 It's just about ready!
 This is a caterpillar that Henry found that looked just like a stick!
Eliza's purple carrots.  Yum!
Happy summer everyone!

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