Sunday, August 11, 2019

Flake Fun

Sorry for the long absence from the blog. It wasn't due to a lack of content but a lack of time!

Things in our household are wonderful.  The twins are growing and putting on weight. That has been our life for the past 3 weeks! It was a huge blessing to have Mom "move in" for those 3 weeks.  We couldn't have survived without her.

I don't know what everyone knows or what you want to know so in a nutshell:  my waters were broken for 50+ hours and I ended up with an epidural but not a C-section which was a blessing.  My doctor really worked to make sure that it was as good of an experience as was possible. 
Scott was able to catch little Robin and assist in catching little Rand.  That was a neat thing for both of us.  Mom was a great doula and delivery room photographer. 
Because my eaters were broken for so long they were worried about infection so both babies were taken to the NICU.  Rand was the last to be discharged 5 days later.  Now we are home and life is crazy but wonderful. 

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