Monday, July 1, 2019

Flake Fun

Sounds like things are quite an adventure in Smithfield!  Always good to have something to keep you on your toes!

Things in Snowflake are hot!  Summer has finally arrived and we are babying our garden along.  The strange weather has not done good things for it so we are hoping and praying that everything actually survives and produces!  We did have a small rain shower last night which was really nice.  It cooled the air down.

Scott finished the shelves that he has been working on for the babies' room so we were able to get everything organized which is a nice feeling.  Once I have things organized in the bathroom we'll be good to go.  Thankfully there have been no signs of early labor so we are quite content to wait until closer to the due date for the excitement to begin. 

Hope that you all have a terrific 4th!!

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