It has been a long while since I posted but I have been reading all your lovely posts.
Things have been jolly around here so I will give a rundown of some highlights lately. Wesley started gymnastics about a month ago and all we hear now is, "watch this trick!" He still loves sports and helping in the garden. We went to the Hill Airforce base museum and he absolutely loved it! Dad was able to come with us providentially and it made the trip 100 times better! He is a great personal tour guide. Nick and I have been thrilled that our various activities have helped Wes overcome some fears. We had a faculty swim party and Wesley got in the water! We also went to Idaho Falls for the fourth and got to see the Nilssons lovely farm. While there, Wesley petted the donkeys and goats, jumped on a big tramp, watched fireworks and swung; all massive fears. Chet is the opposite. I have to keep him from jumping off the tramp and the bed and climbing on everything and eating everything. He has learned how to walk and he loves to wrestle Wessle. He also has an epic scream and knows how to use it to his advantage.
Nick has been doing various fun things with his faculty. He went to mountain meadows for a day and the Cedar City temple. They are great people to work with. He also read parts of the Child Whisperer and was blown away how everything about Type 1 was him! Haha.
The garden is growing well and we have harvested peas, broccoli, and basil. I love this time of year! I also chopped off my hair. My ponytails was staying in and it was giving me a headache so that has been a fun change.
Love you all and can't wait for news from Snowflake!
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