Sunday, June 23, 2019

Nilsson News

What a month this has been so far!  Arizona was a blast!  The company was fantastic, the food was wonderful and the weather was much better than for those up north.  We thought we'd escaped the cold, but oh not so.  The first day of summer (Friday) brought with it a freeze the night before and the next night.  When the forecast says 35 degrees, we plan on 32 or lower.  There was a blanket of white and the things we didn't cover didn't survive too well.  This is bizarre weather!
While we were getting the garden prepped for winter time, these little guys surprised us:

It was a mama skunk and her five little kits!  They are pretty cute at a glance but these critters can be quite destructive, especially when it comes to a garden.  A couple days prior to this, we found a skunk exploring the inside of our chicken coop.  They are known for killing chickens and eating the eggs.  Thankfully, all our birds survived but the eggs didn't.
Our donkey, Penny, had her foal this past week!  We had Penny's due date written down for the middle of May.  It isn't unusual for donkeys to have a 13 month gestation but it sure makes the waiting much more intense.  Aren't you glad the normal for humans isn't a month past their due date?  See Jenn, there is always something to be grateful for!  Anyway, her foal Nellie, is absolutely adorable and loves the attention of the little kids.
Yesterday, we were finally able to haul our hay.  The weather has not been cooperating and keeps raining which makes the hay too wet to bale.  We were able to take advantage of a dry window.  Monday we will be hauling our neighbor's hay as well so hopefully that will give us a good start for the winter ahead (which may start next week).  Addy was our driver!
Here are a few more pictures of fun happenings.
 Eliza harvested her first purple cauliflower head from her little garden.  It was tasty!
Having fun in the treehouse "boat."  I love how kids use their imaginations!
Well, we re looking forward to seeing you at the Spartan in about a month!  It will be a fun time and it might actually be hot by then.  Have a terrific week!

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